It’s crucial to recognize that what we’re seeing is not a clash between classic liberal or conservative policy differences. Gay rights, taxes, that kind of thing. That’s not what the chasm is about. At all.
It’s a clash between two different worldviews.
Two different stories about the nature of the reality that we live in.
We live in two completely different perspectives, and even though we see the exact same event on the TV screen, how we see it is vastly different.
It’s like we’re watching two movies on one screen, a phrase coined by cartoonist and hypnotist Scott Adams.
This is precisely why it’s so important that we talk to and listen to each other.
Both sides think they’re right. Both sides think the other side is a threat to democracy. Both sides consider people on the other side “low information voters”. Both sides can’t believe the election’s this close when the choice is so obvious.
This is the problem. That’s why we must listen and understand each other.
You may find “their” worldview abhorrent, or that it’s quite a stretch to see it that way, that you’d have to be naive or gullible or a tin foil hat conspiracy theorist, or however you judge it. That’s fine.
But understand that a significant portion of your fellow citizens do see it that way. Probably members of your own family too.
We need to understand each other and respect the fact that “they” have good reasons to believe what they believe.
If you’d seen what they’ve seen, if you’d had similar personal experiences, you’d probably see the world the same way they do.
Learn. Understand.
Don’t judge. Appreciate.
We’re all doing the best we know how to.
I’m going to lay out the two world views as best as I can.
The left sees a world where we have two parties, the Democrats and the Republicans, in a constant battle for who’s in power. Democrats are more liberal with spending and social norms, and the Republicans are more conservative both fiscally and socially. Sometimes one is in power, sometimes the other. That’s how it should be.
Some on the left see Republican politicians as warmongers and racists, but at the core, they’re decent people who are trying their best.
The president is in charge of the government. When he’s in office, institutions like the FBI, the CIA, the DOD, the DHS, the State Department, etc., do what the president tells them to do. The president, his administration, and his party are mostly aligned.
Politicians generally aim to make our lives better. Yes, lobbyists are a problem, politicians overpromise and underdeliver, and some shady things happen here and there, but overall, they’re trying their best.
The media and government institutions like the FBI, the judicial system, and so on, are generally good, hard-working people just doing their best. Sure, things are perhaps not as good as they were, and social media has made us all more polarized, but they’re trying.
Then Trump came and wrecked the system. He took control of the Republican party and whipped most voters into a frenzy, leaving many sane Republican voters and politicians without a political home.
Trump is a vile, racist wannabe dictator who loves other dictators. He craves attention and power in order to fill the bottomless void in his fragile ego. He has no respect for democracy or the rule of law, and will not hesitate to mobilize his gullible, violent mob of MAGA supporters to make sure he stays in power forever, should he ever get into office again.
He lies and cheats, he calls immigrants animals, and he’s a disgusting human who’s unfit to be president.
If he’s elected a second time, he’ll feel emboldened to go all-in on enabling his radical, dictatorial new Hitler-like regime, going after journalists and migrants and political opponents and anyone else he feels has insulted his fragile sense of self.
If you’re on the left, does this ring more or less true? I hope so.
Now let’s turn to the right’s world view.
The Trump right sees most government institutions, politicians, judges, and media from both sides of the so-called aisle as a corrupt cabal controlled by the deep state co-joined with cartels and organized crime.
This “blob” controls every major government institution, the military/intelligence industrial complex, big pharma, big agriculture, most corporate media, most universities, the drug trade, and human trafficking.
MAGA people don’t consider the Democrat and Republican parties as meaningfully distinct. They call them the “Uniparty” because both parties are mostly controlled by the blob, against the people.
They believe the government and the corporate media are the biggest purveyors of misinformation, and the government wants to get rid of the 1st and 2nd amendments and implement a censorship regime, so they can continue to lie unimpeded and stop people from talking about it or fighting back. The media works to enslave rather than inform the citizens.
The right believes that every recent presidential candidate has been pre-selected by the blob, so the blob could continue their corruption unimpeded regardless of who won. The president must keep the scam going, against the interests of the people, or risk JFK’s fate. That’s why you see such a difference in what presidents say and do after they’re elected. All the endless, deadly, and costly wars, the deterioration in public health, and the toxic political climate are all outcomes the blob wants.
Trump is the one politician that got away. He won the Republican nomination and went on to win the election despite having his own party and the entire corporate media apparatus against him.
Trump is a deeply flawed human being, but he is fighting for the people, against the blob, and that’s what matters. He’s such a threat to the blob that they’re using our compromised judicial system to try and imprison him, and they’re using covert assets to try and murder him.
Biden and Harris are both puppets of the blob, mere empty vessels, Biden literally senile, Harris not very bright. Their most critical mission for the blob has been to import millions of migrants likely to vote Democrat to swing states, so they can win future elections without having to cheat, effectively making America a one-party state like what happened in California after the 1986 amnesty.
Those are the two world views.
You may think the other side is absolutely nuts for believing what they believe, but remember, they’re not your enemy. They’re your neighbor, your uncle, your child, your friend.
If you’d seen what they have seen, you’d believe the same thing too.
If you believed what they believe, you’d do the same thing they do.
About half the country sees the world one way, the other half sees it the other way.